Import coupons "Depricated" vs. Generate Coupons

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     7 years ago

    I have used the Coupons + Import a few times in the past.  When I went to do this today, I noticed the "Deprecated, use Generate Coupons instead"

    I'm concerned that the original Import function is going away.  We need to be able to generate coupons from large lists with specific amounts for each person/coupon issued.

    I can find a reference to the Generate coupons in the documentation but it doesn't look like it has the ability to limit each entry to a specific amount or assign to a specific product or customer.  Is that correct?

    Will the ability to mass-generate coupons from a list with unique values for each entry be available?  typically we get 3rd party lists with Email, name, etc. and discount amount or percentage and import those in and mail the code to the customer.

    Doing this from Acymailing would be great...that is to be able to pull the discount amount from the mailing list and generating a coupon/discount for the specified amount.

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     7 years ago


    The import function will not be taken away but it is not being developed any more, as it gets too complicated.  Right now, you can create every type of coupon using  it except for buy x get y - each quantity. 

    So for basic coupons the import will always work, just not for very complicated coupons.

    And yes, you are right, you do not have the ability to change specific amounts/ assign product customers..etc
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     7 years ago

    Would it be a possibility to add a simple import to generate codes with a template like it does now, but add a column in the csv to specify either an amount or percent?

    Or, I had posted in suggestions and realize this would limit it to acymailing users only, but to be able to specify and amount in the awo tag...we could i port our campaign into an acy list with a custom field and insert that into the tag when the campaign is sent then each recipient would get the unique code generated with the custom amount.

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     7 years ago


    Prefer to keep the generate coupons logic simple, which allows just a text file upload of coupon codes, one per line.

    The current way you are doing it now with imports will not go away, that will always work.