Error when creating gift certificate - 'select an item'

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     9 years ago

    I am trying to create a new gift certificate in the backend, however when I try to publish it it says:
    'Product: select an item'.
    I have chosen a product for the gift certificate as well as a template.
    Any tips on what to do to solve this issue?

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     9 years ago


    Are you trying to edit the gift certificate product and getting this error? If so can you try to edit it in internet explorer? I believe it will work there.

    There is an error, and this is the fix to the code if you prefer that route:
    in www/administrator/components/com_awocoupon/views/giftcert/tmpl/edit.php, around line 64 is this:

    <td><?php if(!empty($this->row->id)) echo $this->row->product_name.' ('.$this->row->product_sku.') <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="'.$this->row->product_id.'" />'

    Change it to this:
    <td><?php if(!empty($this->row->id)) echo $this->row->product_name.' ('.$this->row->product_sku.')'