Cupon email automatico

  • Default avatar
     11 years ago

    Me pueden indicar los pasos para crear un cupon de email de registro, cuando el usuario se registre llegue un cupon al correo automatico

  • Your avatar
     11 years ago


    For a registration email, go to AwoCoupon Email
    - under enable coupon registration email, set to 'Yes'
    - set the start processing date
    - select the coupon template, if you need to know how to create one, here is how:
    - you can choose one of the following
    + select an article from joomla articles that will act as your template
    + select a profile from within awocoupon->profiles that will act as your email template (requires AwoCoupon Pro)
    - save

    If you want it to work in production make sure 'Test mode' is set to 'no' otherwise it is as good as being unpublished.

    Also if your customers are required to activate their account, they will not receive the email immediately. It will be received only after their account is activated and the cron job has run to find all activated accounts. The cron job is triggered by clicks to your site.