In www/components/com_redshop/helpers/cart.php, in function replaceTemplate around line 1986 is this
add this after that
and in function replaceOrderTemplate around line 2346 is this
add this after that
The variable {shipping_total_including_discount} now contains the shipping total including vat, with the discount included. You will then have to update your templates and emails to use the correct dynamic variable.
Some of the templates that need updating include:
- cart/cart
- checkout/checkout template
- order_detail/order detail
- order_receipt/order receipt
For email, you should update order mail.
$cart_data = str_replace ( "{shipping_excl_vat}", "<span id='spnShippingrate'>" . $this->_producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice ( $shipping-$cart['shipping_tax'], true ) . "</span>", $cart_data );
add this after that
{ # seyi_code
$shipping_discount = 0;
if(!empty($cart['coupon'])) foreach($cart['coupon'] as $rcoup) $shipping_discount += $rcoup['shipping_discount'];
$cart_data = str_replace ( "{shipping_total_including_discount}", "<span id='spnShippingrate'>" . $this->_producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice ( $shipping-$shipping_discount, true ) . "</span>", $cart_data );
$discount_amount -= $shipping_discount;
and in function replaceOrderTemplate around line 2346 is this
$ReceiptTemplate = $this->replaceShippingAddress($ReceiptTemplate,$shippingaddresses);
add this after that
{ # seyi_code
$db = JFactory :: getDBO();
$db->setQuery('SELECT SUM(shipping_discount) FROM #__awocoupon_history WHERE estore="redshop" AND order_id='.$order_id.' GROUP BY order_id');
$shipping_discount = (float)$db->loadResult();
$search[] = "{shipping_total_including_discount}";
$replace[] = $row->order_shipping-$shipping_discount;
$row->order_discount -= $shipping_discount;
The variable {shipping_total_including_discount} now contains the shipping total including vat, with the discount included. You will then have to update your templates and emails to use the correct dynamic variable.
Some of the templates that need updating include:
- cart/cart
- checkout/checkout template
- order_detail/order detail
- order_receipt/order receipt
For email, you should update order mail.