1054 Error...need help please!

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     8 years ago

    I am using the latest AWO Pro with J3.4.8 and VM 3.0.12. I am on an NGINX VPS as the only site on the server. AWO was working fine, then all of a sudden, I started getting a 1054 error message when you try to check out when using a coupon code. This prevents checking out completely. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling AWO and that has not helped. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Here is the 1054 message in its entirety.

    An error has occurred while processing your request.

    If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site and report the error below.

    1054 Unknown column 'is_customer_balance' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO jml_awocoupon_history (estore,coupon_entered_id,coupon_id,is_customer_balance,user_id,user_email,coupon_discount,shipping_discount,order_id,productids,details) VALUES ("virtuemart",123,123,NULL,0,"curtis@turntex.com",1.6,0,1767,"NULL","{\"redeemed\":true,\"user_id\":0,\"uniquecartstring\":\"0|0|1111|0|curtis@turntex.com|0|1|ship|2\",\"coupon_id\":123,\"coupon_code\":\"1111\",\"coupon_code_internal\":\"1111\",\"product_discount\":1.6,\"product_discount_notax\":1.6,\"product_discount_tax\":0,\"shipping_discount\":0,\"shipping_discount_notax\":0,\"shipping_discount_tax\":0,\"use_customer_balance\":false,\"productids\":\"\",\"entered_coupon_ids\":{\"123\":1},\"processed_coupons\":{\"123\":{\"coupon_entered_id\":\"123\",\"coupon_code\":\"1111\",\"orig_coupon_code\":\"1111\",\"product_discount\":1.6,\"product_discount_notax\":1.6,\"product_discount_tax\":0,\"shipping_discount\":0,\"shipping_discount_notax\":0,\"shipping_discount_tax\":0,\"is_discount_before_tax\":0,\"usedproducts\":\"0\",\"display_text\":\"1111\",\"isauto\":false,\"isgift\":false,\"isbalance\":false,\"ischild\":false}},\"cart_items\":[{\"product_id\":824,\"cartpricekey\":0,\"discount\":0,\"product_price\":16,\"product_price_notax\":16,\"product_price_tax\":0,\"qty\":1,\"tax_rate\":0,\"is_special\":\"0\",\"is_discounted\":0,\"orig_product_price\":16,\"orig_product_price_notax\":16,\"orig_product_price_tax\":0,\"totaldiscount\":1.6,\"totaldiscount_notax\":1.6,\"totaldiscount_tax\":0,\"coupons\":{\"123\":{\"totaldiscount\":1.6,\"totaldiscount_notax\":1.6,\"totaldiscount_tax\":0}}}],\"cart_items_breakdown\":[{\"product_id\":824,\"cartpricekey\":0,\"discount\":0,\"product_price\":14.4,\"product_price_notax\":14.4,\"product_price_tax\":0,\"tax_rate\":0,\"is_special\":\"0\",\"is_discounted\":0,\"orig_product_price\":16,\"orig_product_price_notax\":16,\"orig_product_price_tax\":0,\"totaldiscount\":1.6,\"totaldiscount_notax\":1.6,\"totaldiscount_tax\":0,\"coupons\":{\"123\":{\"totaldiscount\":1.6,\"totaldiscount_notax\":1.6,\"totaldiscount_tax\":0}},\"key\":0}],\"coupon_code_db\":\"1111\"}")
  • Your avatar
     8 years ago


    Uninstalling AwoCoupon should have fixed this issue. In fact, simply unpublishing the plugin VmCoupon - AwoCoupon should have fixed it.

    Basically your database seems to be out of sync with the code base. To fix the specific issue run the query on your dabase:

    ALTER TABLE jml_awocoupon_history ADD COLUMN is_customer_balance TINYINT(1) AFTER coupon_entered_id;

    That should fix that error. But there might be other problems, so I would advice going to www/administrator/components/com_awocoupon/helpers/install/upgrade/sql. The code above I gave you is from the file 2.3.3.sql. You should check and make sure all the other updates from that file and higher have been run.
  • Default avatar
     8 years ago

    Thank you for the reply. Can you please break this down a little more for me? I am not a coder but can follow directions very well. Assume you are telling me to go into the directory you mention above via FTP, then save the sql files and run them in phpMyadmin? If that is not correct, you can give more explicit directions of what I should do?

    Thank you!
  • Default avatar
     8 years ago

    I went ahead and ran the query you provided in phpMyadmin on the database. I am totally dumb with database queries so I don't know if it did what it was supposed to do. Here is the message that was given.

    MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). (Query took 0.0050 seconds.)
  • Your avatar
     8 years ago


    That means it was successfully run.
  • Your avatar
     8 years ago

    Looks like you got the code installed. I will be happy to check your db tables if you can provide temp access.