Awo Affiliate automatically generated Payout coupon code not accepted

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     11 years ago

    Hello Seyi,

    I have an issue with the affiliate payout coupon. I have created a coupon template in awo coupon pro and selected this for automatic payout coupon in awo affiliate and set the Order status (to calculate the commission) to shipped. I have set the payout amount to 10 Euro. When the order status is changed to shipped, Affiliate Email is sent to affiliate to confirm that his coupon code was used. As soon as the payout amount of 10 EURO is reached, a coupon code is automatically generated, added to the coupon list in Awo Coupon Pro and sent to the affiliate. So far everything works fine.

    Now here is the issue:
    When the affiliate wants to redeem this automatically generated coupon code it is not accepted.

    I found out that if i open this code in awo coupon pro backend for editing and just save it (without doing any changes) then it will be accepted when used by the affiliate.

    I hope you can help me in solving this problem.

    Best Regards,

    Joomla 2.5.8
    Virtuemart 2.0.8
    AwoCoupon Pro Version 2.1.5
    AwoAffiliate 2.1.1
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     11 years ago

    Thanks Kay, found the problem. Please make alterations to this code
    www/administrator/components/com_awocoupon/helpers/estore/estorecouponhandler.php, around line 595 is thi
    (empty($coupon_row->params->user_mode) || $coupon_row->params->user_mode=='include' && !isset($coupon_row->userlist[$user_id]))

    alter it to this
    ((empty($coupon_row->params->user_mode) || $coupon_row->params->user_mode=='include') && !isset($coupon_row->userlist[$user_id]))

    That should fix the problem.
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     11 years ago

    Hello Seyi,

    your suggestion have solved the problem. Now Awo Affiliate works fine.
    Thank you very much for your prompt help.

    Best Regards,