Affiliate commision not calculated correctly?

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     11 years ago

    Hi Seyi,

    Today we noticed the following:

    We had the following order of some items:

    Price Qty Tax Discount Total
    50,40 € 2 17,14 € 0,00 € 117,94 €
    50,40 € 2 17,14 € 0,00 € 117,94 €
    Subtotals 34,28 € 0,00 € 235,88 €
    Coupon Discount - 23,59 € (ok this is again wrong, should be 17.23, see also my other post on the wrong discount amount before tax)
    Shipping 5,23 € 35,98 €
    Total 36,07 € 0,00 € 248,27 €

    The affiliate has a commision of 10%, i.e. he should get: 4 * 50,40 * 0.1 = 20.16 € (ofcourse the commission is calculated before tax)

    We noted though that the affiliate has been credited with 21.23 € in his panel. Is there smth wrong with the calculations? Would appreciate your comments!

    Thanks in advance,
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     11 years ago

    For affiliates, there is 2 types of commissions you can select from:
    -> Order total
    -> Order total - shipping

    I assume you selected ordertotal - shipping, which comes to
    248.27-35.98 = 212.29
    212.29 * 0.1 = 21.229
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     11 years ago

    Thanks seyi,

    Basically we can see the following commission types:

    -> Order Total
    -> Order Total no shipping

    We had selected the order total no shipping (because it seemed that shipping is not included!). We will select the order total and let you know ;)

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     11 years ago

    Order total will take the total including shiping, in which case the commissions will be 24.827. If you want to alter the commisions calculation, you can in
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     11 years ago

    Hi seyi, thanks for the information and suggestion. We suggest to add an additional commision calculation which is more fair to the storekeeper, and this is why:

    In the above case, the net income of the shop from the order is 201.6-10% discount = 181.44. The commission of the affiliate should be calculated on this untaxed net income, i.e. his commission should be 181.44×10%=18.14. But currently (in the order-shipping method), awoaffiliate calculates the commission to 21.23 which is actually 18.14+17%. Practically the commission is multiplied by the tax rate which is unfair for the storekeeper. Therefore we suggest this way of calculation (untaxed product totals - discount) to be added in awoaffiliate also ;)

    would appreciate your comments

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     11 years ago

    Hi Chris,

    This only works well for users who are using discount before tax. If you are using discount after tax, then its not possible to separate the discount on a product before tax.
    In the file I mentioned, commissionhandler.php, around line 28 is this:
        CONCAT(ou.first_name," ",ou.last_name) buyer_name, as buyer_email

    change it to this
        CONCAT(ou.first_name," ",ou.last_name) buyer_name, as buyer_email,o.order_billTaxAmount

    And around line 43 is this
    elseif($row->commission_type=='product_total'$total $row->order_total-$row->order_shipment-$row->order_shipment_tax;

    change it to this
    elseif($row->commission_type=='product_total'$total $row->order_total-$row->order_shipment-$row->order_shipment_tax-$row->order_billTaxAmount;

    Now when using the 'Order total - shipping' option, you should get the desired effect.