Sell Gift Certificates online in your Virtuemart Store

The ability so sought after is finally here!

Many entrepreneurs using Virtuemart component for their Joomla based e-store wonder how to sell gift certificates on the front end, while keeping it nice and tidy in the back end. Well, AwoCoupon provides quite a simple solution to selling gift certificates online.

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3. Really! All you need is AwoCoupon which you can find here.

Here it is in a nut shell:

Step 1

As you are planning on selling a new product, you need to go to Virtuemart, and create your new product(s).

Example: add a new product called “Gift Card 10” worth $10, and another called “Gift Card 30” worth $30.

Step 2

Set up a Coupon Template, which will be associated with your Gift Certificate.

Create the coupon you want to sell (can be any type of coupon not just a gift certificate). To create a coupon template, go to AwoCoupon > Coupons > New Coupon

new coupon template

  • Coupon code : enter a meaningful name for the template, i.e. gift card 10 template
  • State : select 'Template'
  • Value : enter the value of the voucher

Step 3

Connect the store product to AwoCoupon by creating a gift certificate product.

This is so AwoCoupon knows that this particular product is a gift certificate, and when it is bought, AwoCoupon auto-generates a gift certificate code, which is inserted into an e-mail that is auto-sent to customer. Note that you can also upload your own codes if you wish rather than using the randomly generated codes. More on this in "Settings to play with" section at the bottom.

To create a gift certificate product, go to Admin > AwoCoupon > Tools > New Gift Certificate Product.

new gift certificate product

  • Product : start typing the product name of your gift card and the matching products will display in a dropdown to choose from
  • Coupon Template : choose the template you set up in the Step 2 above
  • Price calculation type : 3 options
    • Template: the value of the voucher generated takes the value of the template
    • Base price: the value of the voucher generated is the base price of the product, does not take into account any discounting
    • Base price with tax: the value of the voucher generated is the base price with tax of the product, does not take into account any discounting
  • Email Image : can be left blank in which case the default email template image is used. This uses the image from the email template selected, not necessarily the email content itself.
  • Published : enable/disable the gift certificate product
  • Expiration : if you choose, say,10 days it means that each of the vouchers will be valid for 10 days once purchased. If the customer does not use it, s/he will loose "the money". The expiration time set here on the Gift certificate will always take priority, unless it is left blank and the expiration time in the template (Step 2) is set. If expiration fields are left blank, and the expiration date in the template (Step 2) was left blank, then there is no expiration on the gift certificates. Quick table to summarize:
    Template expiration dateVoucher expiration dateWhich one is used?
    Filled inFilled inVoucher
    BlankFilled inVoucher
    Filled inBlankTemplate
    BlankBlankNo expiration
  • Coupon code prefix : prefix of generated code
  • Coupon code suffix : suffix of generated code
  • Personal Message From Name ID : see Product's custom fields section
  • Personal Message Recipient Name ID : see Product's custom fields section
  • Personal Message Recipient Email ID : see Product's custom fields section
  • Personal Message Recipient Message ID : see Product's custom fields section
  • Vendor Name : name of the vendor to email when a voucher is purchased
  • Vendor Email : email address of the vendor to email when a voucher is purchased

If you set the price calculation to base price and have different prices for a single product, then you only need to do this once. Otherwise you would need to do this for every product you are going to sell as a gift certificate. In our example, we would repeat step 2 & 3 for our second gift certificate product we want to sell which is "Gift Card 30" worth $30.

Step 4

Set the order status to trigger gift certificates.

Go to Admin > AwoCoupon > AwoCoupon > Configuration > Gift certificate product tab.

awocoupon configuration giftcert

Select your confirmed order status.

Step 5

Watch the sales roll in.

Settings to play with

Uploading your own codes

Once a customer buys the gift card product in your e-store, AwoCoupon auto-generates a unique random gift certificate code which is inserted into an auto-generated email. However you also have the option to import your own codes using a csv file. To do this:

To upload codes, go to Admin > AwoCoupon > Tools > Codes.

gift certificate codes

Note, once all the codes in your gift certificate product have been marked as used, AwoCoupon will switch to auto-generating random codes.

Customizing the email

The email can be largely customized. Go to Admin > AwoCoupon > Tools > Email Templates.

email template list

Set up your own email templates or make a copy of one to get a fast start. Things within your power:

  • Uploading your own images (or use one of those already loaded in AwoCoupon)
  • Uploading your own font styles
  • Creating up to 3 text fields and placing them precisely on the gift card image
  • Positioning of gift certificate code, value, expiration date (can be hidden too)
  • Customizing email text, from name, from email, email subject, and whether to Bcc admin
  • Using dynamic tags within the email and/or the 3 text fields
  • Customize pdf

This is an example of a final product gift certificate/card, where "GIFT CARD" and "" are dynamically generated from text fields:

gift card

Hope you enjoy this feature, as I think it is great to be able to create multiple email templates and then just set the default to the one which corresponds with current promotion or shopping season. When multiple gift certificate products are purchased in an order linked to multiple email templates, the default email template is used, since the customer only receives one email.

Product’s custom fields – recipient details

When your customer shops in your store for a gift card, by default it is emailed directly to them. However, it is pretty safe to assume that when somebody buys a gift card it is a gift for somebody else. So by adding custom fields to the product, you can enable fields to collect gift card recipient details, allowing customers to enter some details.

To set the custom fields, go to Admin > AwoCoupon > Tools > Gift Certificate Products > New/Edit > Personal Message section.

gift certificate product custom field section

  • From Name ID : the name of the person sending the gift certificate
  • Recipient Name ID : the name of the person receiving the gift certificate
  • Recipient Email ID : the email address of the person receiving the gift certificate
  • Recipient Message ID : the personal message to include when sending the gift certificate to the recipient

Determine what the ids are:

Follow the instructions to create a Product custom field customer text input here

When viewing the custom fields in the Virtuemart backend, it is the "Id" column. If still having problems look directly in the database at table #__virtuemart_customs column virtuemart_custom_id

You need the business edition of HikaShop for this functionality. Here are the instructions for creating custom fields.

The 'Table' field should be set to 'item'. Once you have saved the custom fields, use the "Column name" as the id within AwoCoupon.

In Eshop Admin Go to Catalog > Options and click New to create the options needed. Once the options have been created, go to the product edit screen, the options tab and add the option fields.

When viewing the options list, the "ID" column is what should be entered into AwoCoupon

  • Go to the product edit screen and go to the 'Customization' tab
  • Select the number of fields you need (3) and update settings
  • Then for each field, enter the title, for example, Email, Name, Message and save
  • There is no easy way to retrieve the id's of the custom fields. There are 2 ways I know of
    • Right click each field in Google Chrome and 'inspect element', it should show you the true id of the custom field. An example of what you would see is
      <input type="text" name="label_1_14_1" value="Recipient's Name" style="float: left">
      In this case, the Recipient's Name custom field has an id of 14
    • look directly in the database
                table: ps_customization_field_lang
                column: id_customization_field
  • Once you have the ids, you can go to awocoupon -> gift certificates and add/edit an entry to add the ides on the the Perosnal Message section
  • Go to the product edit screen and go to the 'Customization' tab
  • Select the number of fields you need (3) and update settings
  • Then for each field, enter the title, for example, Email, Name, Message and save
  • Keep note of the numbers next to the fields. These are the custom ids.
  • Once you have the ids, you can go to awocoupon -> gift certificates and add/edit an entry to add the ides on the the Perosnal Message section
  • edit the product within Virtuemart
  • go to the Product Status tab
  • in the Custom Attribute field at the bottom add the field names. For example: Recipient Name;Recipient Email;Message. Don’t forget to separate them with semicolon (;).
    custom attribute
  • Save it and you are done

If something goes wrong when sending to the recipient email, then it is automatically re-routed to the customer.

Good to know for admins

Dashboard => “Coupons”

Once a customer buys a gift certificate and his/hers code is generated and emailed out, it is automatically added into your coupon list. Here you can see all the codes and you can easily filter and/or sort them according to your needs.

Dashboard => “History of Uses”

My personal favourite. Here you have an extra little sub tab for gift certificates which does wonders. It displays a list of all the gift certificates bought, but what more it shows how much of the value of the particular gift certificate was already used and what the remaining balance is. Great for when you get that one email from a frantic customer who wants to know how much he has left on his gift card...

Dashboard => “Reports”

You can download the History of Uses report here, as well as Coupon Usage vs. Total Sales report and others. The Coupon Usage vs. Total Sales report shows you all the sales and coupon usage, both regular coupons and gift certificates, and is generally a great way to analyse which coupon promotions “worked”.

So here it is - your guide to selling gift certificates online in your Joomla or Prestashop based e-shop. All you need to create sellable gift certificates is to get your latest version of AwoCoupon and off you go.

Let us know if you need some help. We will be happy to assist you with getting those gift cards selling online.

Comments (57)

  1. Default avatar
    Hamid ( Guest ) 5 years ago 5 years ago
    i want to know if there is a way to send gift certificate codes by SMS or simply showing the gift card after purchase in a webpage like the order result page rather than sending it by emails
    • Your avatar
      seyi 5 years ago 5 years ago

      There is no option to send via sms. On purchase the gift certificate is in their account. If using joomla, can access the page that lists the gift certificates by going to:

  2. Default avatar
    dogmansa 4 years ago 4 years ago
    Hi. Seyi

    I would like to add QR codes to outgoing certificates. Is this possible or would it require a custom build?
    • Your avatar
      seyi 4 years ago 4 years ago
      You an add qr code with the use of awotracker plugin.
  3. Default avatar
    Russell Huffer ( Guest ) 2 years ago 2 years ago
    Makes no sense to me at all, have followed instructions but no way to get any user input at all. Is there a step by step tutorial that i can follow or can i get a refund.
    Very disappionted.
    • Your avatar
      seyi 2 years ago 2 years ago

      Happy to help but I do not understand what the problem is? What do you mean by user input, can you please explain the issue?

  4. Default avatar
    thodoris3 a year ago a year ago
    Hello i have a question.

    I followed all the instructions above and i make it work. My questions is. Lets a say a customer purchases the gift product. Then the customer recieves an email with the coupon code (for example -10$ discount). Then the customer uses this coupon for a new purchase and is getting the discount. But this coupon code has unlimited uses so he can use it again and again. How can i disable that? I want when the coupon is used to be marked as used and can not be use again.

    • Your avatar
      seyi a year ago a year ago

      In the coupon template you are selling, you can do one of 2 things;

      - set the function type to 'gift certificate', this will keep track of how much is used. So if the customer uses $7, then they can use up to $3 on the next order
      - or if you set the function type to a coupon and you want it to only be used once, set 'number of uses total' to 1.
  5. Default avatar
    clyde1 14 years ago 14 years ago
    Hi Allenka. I have a simple question: if a customer buys two or more "Gift Cards", will the system generate multiple coupon codes and send multiple emails? In other words, if the quantity box is >1, will this still work? Thnx
    • Default avatar
      allenka 14 years ago 14 years ago
      Hi. Indeed it will still work :)
      The customer is sent one email per order and this email lists all the gift cards bought in the order.
      Thanks, Allenka
      • Default avatar
        ( Guest ) 11 years ago 11 years ago
        I will be using 1 product for a deal site. Always at 1 price. 50% of a industry value. I will be letting multiple vendors redeem these deals and get paid by me the following day of their redemptions.

        How can my vendors KNOW if the coupon has been used before and is authentic? Can they have access to a validation and redemption page? Even if its bare and simple?

        And how can i determine which vendor, preferably by email address has redeemed the voucher for payment?

        • Your avatar
          seyi 11 years ago 11 years ago
          I do not think I understand fully what you are trying to do, but yes, if using AwoCoupon 2.x, you can use Awotracker to look up codes that have been redeemed. Also from that page, you can mark a code used if you have the correct access. Here is a link to it:

  6. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 13 years ago 13 years ago
    What if I want to allow my customers to use the coupon inside my physical store as well as online? They could print out the coupon and bring it in.

    If they come into the physical store and use it can I go into the website and show that it has been used and update the value left?

    I would like to have the option to do both.

    • Your avatar
      seyi 13 years ago 13 years ago

      Yes, you can manually updated the value used of a gift certificate in the backend.

  7. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 13 years ago 13 years ago

    Q#1 : Can we import our gift certificates from a text file ?

    Q#2: Can we manage to send only and olny one email to client includes a gift certificate number when the order status has been changed to " Confirm" ?

    I appreciate your prompt reply.


    • Your avatar
      seyi 13 years ago 13 years ago
      Yes, you can import your own gift certificate codes. Only one email is sent to the client with all the gift certificates that have been purchased.
  8. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 13 years ago 13 years ago
    Quick question-

    The customers are not receiving any emails from the system. I've gone through and checked and double checked all the settings and nothing seems to be working. Any ideas?
    • Your avatar
      seyi 13 years ago 13 years ago
      try this checklist

      If still having problems, please post in the forum
      • Default avatar
        ( Guest ) 13 years ago 13 years ago
        Yup, I found the issue. The issue on my end was not with your product, it was with our email server. They were just not getting sent out. Once I went into the store backend, and made the changes to the email addresses, your module was pushing them out like normal.

        Thanks. This is a very, very good app.
  9. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 13 years ago 13 years ago
    HI there,

    Im trying to edit the gift certificate profile, and want to use the sender's name as well as the receiver. Where is the list of available tokens/shortcodes?
    • Your avatar
      seyi 13 years ago 13 years ago
      These are the variables that can be used for the customer name:
      - {user_first_name}
      - {user_last_name}
      Since you cannot have a receiver, there is no receiver name.
  10. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 13 years ago 13 years ago
    Another question,

    During the process, customers can select the shipping address, but being a gift certificate, where does the customer select the email address? As far as i understand, if someone buys a gift certificate wants someone else to receive it. Also a note/greeting to the receiver would be useful
    • Your avatar
      seyi 13 years ago 13 years ago
      Virtuemart does not allow customer text input per product, so this is not possible. The gift certificates are emailed to the customer who purchased them.

      Please post further questions in the forum.
  11. Default avatar
    david6 13 years ago 13 years ago
    We have a client who purchased 2 gift certificates adding up to $50.00 and they want to change those into a single $50.00 gift certificate to use in one purchase. Is this possible?

    Please email with the reply as that is the person to be setting this up.
    • Your avatar
      seyi 13 years ago 13 years ago
      Virtuemart does not allow the use of multiple coupons so this is not possible. What you can do to fix that customer is invalidate both codes and create a new gift certificate code for the amount of $50.
      • Default avatar
        ( Guest ) 13 years ago 13 years ago
        Could you give me a quotation for hack modify your AwoCoupon Pro Virtuemart component and virtuemart core to allow submitting multiple coupon codes at checkout?

        Thank you!
        • Your avatar
          seyi 13 years ago 13 years ago
          Awocoupon pro now supports multiple coupons. Disabled in configuration by default so will need to be enabled. To use multiple coupons, the customer must enter all of them separated by a semi-colon. So for example:

          coupona; couponb; couponc
  12. Default avatar
    andreas 13 years ago 13 years ago
    Hi there,

    I purchased my copy today and have fun with it :-)

    Now I have (as I believe) a silly question.

    When I make a Virtuemart product to sell a Gift Certificate Product, I have no clue which settings in the VM product have to be.

    When make a "normal" (physical) product I get also the cost of post and package during the payment routine.

    When I create a downloadable product, I need to upload a downloadable file.

    I just created a "normal" product and when I want to buy it I get the option to choose a shipping methos (standars shipping or TNT in this case).

    What have I done wrong?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Best regards,

    Rob van Linda


    I have found the solution.

    I should learn to use my eyes and brain :-)

    • Default avatar
      emilio 13 years ago 13 years ago
      Hey there,

      What was the solution? I have not figured it out yet.

      Let me know!

      • Your avatar
        seyi 13 years ago 13 years ago
  13. Default avatar
    alyssa 13 years ago 13 years ago
    If you're shopping around for a promotional tool this is where your search ends, period. AwoCoupon Pro is THE ultimate tool in my book (and I've tried many) that does not only offers very creative marketing/promotional tools, but it comes at a very competitively (low) price!

    I must be honest, the price actually scared me away for a few weeks until I finally decided to try it out and I'm glad I did! It is easy to install and if you stumble upon anything, do a quick search through the forum - 9.9 out of 10.0 times it has been answered, and if not - it gets answered.

    You cannot afford to not add AwoCoupon to your arsenal - it will be one of your best investments if you're serious about running your store - guaranteed!

    Thank you Seyi for a wonderful product.

  14. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 13 years ago 13 years ago
    The pro component has worked very well for me in a previous job (and I found it easy to make significant customization).

    I'm coming back to use it again for Gift Certificates. My client was wanting to let user enter the amount of the Gift Certificate.

    Do you know of a good way to do this? I am considering making a $1 certificate and user determines the quantity.

    Any guidance or ideas much appreciated.
    • Your avatar
      seyi 13 years ago 13 years ago
      Glad you are enjoying AwoCoupon.

      For your problem, I have not dealt with your exact situation since most settle for second best, a dropdown of common values. If this is an option, it would require no hacks and you can simply create a product called 'gift certificate' with x number of children products which hold the value of the gift certificates and display this in a dropdown in the front end.
      • Default avatar
        chad62 13 years ago 13 years ago
        I opted to make another custom attribute and a couple of small hacks to get the manually entered price... taking the idea from

        I even used custom attributes to allow the user to enter the name of the person they're sending the Gift Certificate too.

        It is a pleasure to rummage around your code... cheers again!
      • Default avatar
        ( Guest ) 11 years ago 11 years ago
        Having an issue with this solution. No matter which child product the customer chooses, they receive the value of the parent product.
        So, they order and pay for a $100, and receive a $25 gift certificate.
        Obviously, that's not going over too well ;-)
        How to fix?
        • Your avatar
          seyi 11 years ago 11 years ago

          How did you setup the dropdown for the children products? What version of Virtuemart are you using? What version of AwoCoupon are you using? Did you create and attach a coupon template to each of the children products?
          • Default avatar
            ( Guest ) 11 years ago 11 years ago
            Virtuemart 2.0.26d
            AwoCoupon Pro 2.2.3 (just noticed the updated, and updated to 2.2.5, but don't know yet if that will help)
            Originally had set up the child products with "additional charges" in the custom fields, but after the problem was brought to my attention, I removed the "additional" charges from the custom fields and added a cost price to each individual child product.
            I then did a test order, but the problem persisted.
            Yes, I did create and attache a coupon template to each child product.
            Everything looks totally fine in the cart and on the invoice, however only a $25 code is generated and sent to the client no matter which value is chosen.
            You can see the page at:
            • Your avatar
              seyi 11 years ago 11 years ago
              You should check.

              If you are using stockable variants as a means of putting the items into a dropdown, then that issue was fixed in version 2.2.4.
              • Default avatar
                ( Guest ) 11 years ago 11 years ago
                Yes, using stockable variants... Will test in a.m.
                Thank you!
  15. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 13 years ago 13 years ago
    Thanks for the steps, I have one question about the gift certificate product when being purchased (as the only item in the cart).. why does it show the shipping options, being that its digital and all... it really doesn't make any sense?.. or am I missing something? :) Thanks.
    • Your avatar
      seyi 13 years ago 13 years ago
      That is true. There are 2 solutions posted in this topic to help get around that problem:
  16. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 12 years ago 12 years ago
    The customers are not receiving any emails from the system. I've gone through and checked and double checked all the settings and nothing seems to be working. Any ideas?
    • Your avatar
      seyi 12 years ago 12 years ago
      Try these suggestions:

      If you have any more support questions, please post them within the forum.

  17. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 12 years ago 12 years ago
    Perhaps I'm wrong but : if I have 5000+ products I need to generate 5,000+ gift profile (because I would like the gift card is valid for ALL products)?
    And the customers how can buy the gift cards? Where is the sellable gift card (in fronted)? I did not find this description.
    Thank u for ur answer, and sry for my english.
    • Your avatar
      seyi 12 years ago 12 years ago

      If all 5000+ of your products are gift certificates that you are selling, then you would need to create a gift certificate product in AwoCoupon for all 5000+. But you do not need to create separate profiles. You can use the same profile for all. When using a gift certificate as a coupon code, it is by default valid for all products.

      The gift certificates are just products of your estore. So you would first create a product in your estore, then in AwoCoupon set it up as a gift certificate. For the customer to access it, they would simply have to access the product you setup in your estore.

      Hope it is clear.
  18. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 12 years ago 12 years ago
    How do i upload my own coupon image?
    • Your avatar
      seyi 12 years ago 12 years ago

      Currently this can be done by uploading the file to your site, probably through ftp, to the location
      It will accept both jpg and png files.
      • Default avatar
        ( Guest ) 12 years ago 12 years ago
        I also would like to use a unique image for my gift certificates, however the location you specified (www/administrator/components/com_awocoupon/assets/giftcert/images) does not exist in my directory structure.

        Here is a link to what the directory looks like. Where am I going wrong?

        • Your avatar
          seyi 12 years ago 12 years ago
          I believe you are missing administrator. In your case it is
  19. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 12 years ago 12 years ago
    Hi there,

    I'd like to buy the AwoCoupon Pro and I have a question. Is it possible that a customer use a gitf certificate multiple times? I mean, let's say that a customer does receive a 100 € gift certificate and he wanna spend 40 € today for a product and the remain 60 € in two weeks for another product. Is it possible?

    • Your avatar
      seyi 12 years ago 12 years ago

      Yes, this is one of the functions of a gift certificate:
      • Default avatar
        ( Guest ) 12 years ago 12 years ago
        Great, thank you for your quick reply. I will purchase the module in the next few days.

  20. Default avatar
    wolfgang 11 years ago 11 years ago
    for to auto-generated code and for auto-send email to customers i need of the plugin ?? ( i have awacoupon pro.

    Because i add a new product, i buy it, but i don't receive any code and in the gift certificated list i don't see any code.

    Any help? Thank you

    • Your avatar
      seyi 11 years ago 11 years ago

      For gift certificate automatic emails, no, you do not need that product, just AwoCoupon pro.
      Please check to make sure it is not one of these problem:

      If not, please post on the forums and I will be glad to help you there.
  21. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 10 years ago 10 years ago

    I would know if it is possible with awo coupon pro to do this:

    userA buy a product at 100$, and receive a 5$ coupon via e-mail.
    userA gives this coupon to userB, userC and userD.
    all of them sign in and buy a new product using the coupon userA gave them.
    userA receive 5$ + 5$ + 5$ on his 'wallet', that he can use to buy something new.

    Is that possible?

    thankyou for help

    • Your avatar
      seyi 10 years ago 10 years ago

      Sounds like you want to do a referral through coupons? We have such a product,

      AwoAffiliate + AwoCoupon.

      With AwoAffiliate, you can assign a coupon to a user, and when another customer uses this coupon, the affiliate earns a commission. Here are the applicable products: