Create Automatic Discounts in AwoCoupon

This is a guide to setting a coupon to be automatically applied to customers shopping cart, providing the customer meets the coupon criteria (i.e. minimum spend etc. ). 
In order to create automatic discounts you need AwoCoupon Pro 2.1.1 or higher.  
Note, automatic discounts are not available in AwoCoupon 1.

Step 1
Go to AwoCoupon -> New coupon and create the discount you wish to give to the customer.  In this example, I create a coupon that gives 10% discount to the first 100 customers who order.

new coupon

Step 2
In the coupon list screen, select 'Automatic Discounts'

select auto discounts

Step 3
Select new to add the automatic discount to the list.  In the coupon field, start typing the name of the coupon.  In my example, I typed 7g, and automatically a dropdown with coupon codes that start with 7g appear.  I select the coupon code and make sure it is published then save.

automatic discount edit screen

That is it, your automatic discount coupon code should now show on the list.  

automatic discount list

If you look at the screen above, notice I have added 3 automatic discounts where 1 is disabled, so only 2 are active.  The order in which they are placed is very important, because the customer will receive automatic discounts based on the order. If for example you set the maximu number of automatic discounts to be processed to 2, and you have 5 active automatic discounts, the first 2 the customer is eligible for will be processed. The 'Ordering' field shows coupons priority in the processing queue and each coupon is checked in this sequence to see if the customer qualifies for any discounts.  If yes, the customer receives the discount and no other coupons are processed.  In this example, the order of checking each coupon code is 7G5t6RKQf92L and then sLxtjfFJx5k.

One final note, if using Virtuemart 2, you will need to go to AwoCoupon -> Dashboard and make sure that the VMPayment plugin is enabled.  If it is not, automatic discounts will not work.

Comments (24)

  1. Default avatar
    f.ramos41 7 years ago 7 years ago
    Hello, Can i have automatic discount to only some client groups and some categories in virtuemart?

    • Your avatar
      seyi 7 years ago 7 years ago

      Yes you can. You can create coupons that are specific to product categories and specific to shopper groups. And any coupon you can create you can add to the automatic coupon list.
  2. Default avatar
    Craig Andrews ( Guest ) 5 years ago 5 years ago
    Heya Seyi!

    Is there any way to bulk import my coupon codes into the Automatic Discounts section? I have 1529 and inputting manually is taking a while :)


    Craig A
    • Your avatar
      seyi 5 years ago 5 years ago
      Unfortunately no. The quickest way to do it would be to insert it directly in the database.
  3. Default avatar
    Lori ( Guest ) 4 years ago 4 years ago
    I have created 2 automatic discounts that relate to 2 categories only. The first is for 10% Category A and the 2nd is for 20% Category B. This is how they are ordered also. When I tested and put an item from Category A in my cart, it gave me the 10% discount. When I added an item from Category B to my cart, it still only gave the discount for Category A. I also added an item from an entirely different category that should receive no discount, and I was still given the 10% discount. HELP!
    • Your avatar
      seyi 4 years ago 4 years ago
      Do you have multiple discounts turned on? Are the discount types set to specific?
  4. Default avatar
    Cris ( Guest ) 4 years ago 4 years ago
    Is it possible to have multiple discount for different categories with the same coupon?
    ex. category 1 30% category2 40% ...
    • Your avatar
      seyi 4 years ago 4 years ago
      Yes it is with a combination coupon, which you would setup as such:

      Coupon A: discount of 30% for category 1
      Coupon B: discount of 40% for category 2
      Coupon C: combination coupon where you add coupons A and B and sett process type to all that apply

      Then use coupon C.
  5. Default avatar
    Valentina ( Guest ) 4 years ago 4 years ago
    Hi! Is it possible to create a coupon that is valid for 30 days from the first use (so I cannot set a start and end validity date)?
    Thank you ^^
    • Your avatar
      seyi 4 years ago 4 years ago

      You can create a coupon that is valid for 30 days, but not from the point of first use. You can set the start date when creating the coupon. Or if you are selling it as a gift certificate, the start date starts on the date of purchase.
  6. Default avatar
    oldeworldtreasures 3 years ago 3 years ago
    I have created 3 automatic coupons and I am happy to say that they do work. However, the discount will only show up in the cart if the customer is logged in. Is there any way to have the discount show up when they have not logged in?
  7. Default avatar
    Luca ( Guest ) 2 years ago 2 years ago
    Hi Seyi, can i set automatic coupon when it's customer's birthday ?
    I have theirs birthdays when they register to my site.

  8. Default avatar
    david6 12 years ago 12 years ago
    Does this stop the ability for the customer to put in a coupon code if they have one?
    • Your avatar
      seyi 12 years ago 12 years ago
      It does not. Normal coupons work with or without automatic discounts.
      • Default avatar
        david6 12 years ago 12 years ago
        I don't want my customers to be able to use 2 coupons but I want the automatic coupon to still be able work if only 1 coupon is allowed. How do I achieve this? I am confused reading the instructions.
  9. Default avatar
    ( Guest ) 12 years ago 12 years ago
    Hi Seyi,

    Is it possible to get an automatic discount when someone puts in a second related product in the cart?

    So when item A is added, no discount. When item A' is added too, the automatic discount is there.
    When one of the two items is removed from the cart, the automatic discount disppears.

    If this can be done (i hope so.... ;-)), is it possible to set this up for let's say 300 items where each item has only one related item and the automatic discount works only for each specific pair?

    So A and B' does not give you the auto discount
    A and A' does give you the auto discount
    B and B' also gives the auto discount

    Kind regards,
    • Your avatar
      seyi 12 years ago 12 years ago
      Hi Maurice,

      The automatic system is just the engine which constantly checks to see if there are qualifying discounts in the cart, based on the coupons added to the automatic discount section. So what you are really asking is is it possible to create a specific type of coupon.

      From what you have described, it seems like this is a buy x get y coupon. So you could create a buy x get y coupon where you set the discount,
      Buy X
      Number: 1
      Product: Select product A

      Get Y
      Number: 1
      Product: Select product A'

      Then add it to automatic discounts and if qualified products are in the cart, it will discount it.

      Note if you have multiple coupons in the automatic discount section, it runs the first it finds, so order is important.

      • Default avatar
        ( Guest ) 12 years ago 12 years ago
        Hi Seyi,

        Yes!!! You did it again! Fantastic, this is so awesome and exactly what I needed.
        Thank you very, very much for this excellent 'everybody-should-have-this' component...

        Kind regards,
  10. Default avatar
    eric85 11 years ago 11 years ago
    now here is a good question. How can i only have the automatic discount be applied to specific categories and NOT to other categories of items in virtumart?
    • Your avatar
      seyi 11 years ago 11 years ago

      Automatic discounts are just coupons you created in AwoCoupon that are automatically run without user input. You would just need to create a coupon code that is specific to the categories you want and then add that to the automatic discount list.
      • Default avatar
        eric85 11 years ago 11 years ago
        Thanks seyi
        actually i figured it out last night and got it worked out
        tested it afterwards and it seems to work just fine