“Buy X Get Y” coupons are here!

The latest feature of AwoCoupon Pro (for VirtuemartredSHOP, and Hikashop) has been unveiled – Buy X Get Y has been added to the long list of fantastic features that AwoCoupon Pro offers.

A whole new set of marketing campaigns is now possible. I have picked three of the new top sales promotions which are, in my opinion, both effective and popular by customers and which you may want to try. These powerful sales techniques include:

  • Buy One Get One Free
  • 3 for 2
  • Buy One Get One 50% Off

Buy One Get One Free

Very famous Buy 1 Get 1 Free promotion, known in the marketing industry as BOGOF, is thought of as one of the most effective forms of special offers. Customers are attracted to almost anything that says “free”, therefore the least you achieve is to get the very important customer attention, which is the first step to making a sale. You can use this promotion in different ways, i.e.:

  • Cross-selling (of complimentary (& new) product)
  • Getting rid of old stock
  • Boosting the sales volume (instead of using “half price” coupon campaign)

Three for Two

Another frequently used marketing campaign 3 for 2 (meaning Buy Any Three for the price of Two) can be easily created. The most common is to give the cheapest product free; however AwoCoupon Pro gives you more options. You can choose to give away the most expensive of the three products (believe it or not some shops do that and it works like a charm, really good if you run the campaign for products of similar prices), or you can set the coupon to the first found match which depends on the order in which the products where put in the basket. This promotion works best for product categories and/or manufacturers on mix’n’match bases. Customers are more likely to choose 3 different products rather than 3 of the same.

Buy One Get One 50% Off

Largely practiced is also Buy 1 Get Second 1 Half Price/ Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off promotional offer. Not as compelling as Buy 1 Get 1 Free, however still very popular and effective. Customers’ interest needs to be focused on the half price piece of the promotion to make the campaign even more successful. This offer can be equally prominent using specific product or categories. Yet again, if the products have different pricing, you can choose how the discount is going to be applied, i.e. cheapest product is discounted.

Take the Buy X Get Y coupons even further

It is really easy to create these promotions, and what more, you can enhance them further with extra settings including:

  • minimum spend limit for the shopping basket
  • number of uses (per customer or in total)
  • start date & end date
  • amount discount (as oppose to percentage discount)
  • maximum discount quantity - number of products in the basket the promotion will work for (This is very helpful if your stock is limited and you want a larger number of your customers to take advantage of your incredible offer, or if you are running Buy 1 Get 2 Free promotion and you want to cap the quantity per order.)

Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? Easy to set up Buy X Get Y coupons for Virtuemart, redSHOP, and HIkashop are at your finger tips. Go on, increase your sales with buy one get one free, 3 for 2 and a lot more!

If you would like help with how to set up these promotional coupons please take a look at our guide on How to use the Buy X Get Y feature of AwoCoupon Pro.

Enjoy! :)

Comments (12)

  1. Default avatar
    bmm01 5 years ago 5 years ago
    I am having issues getting my BOGOF coupon to work. I am using Joomla and my set up is very simple but it just won't work
    • Your avatar
      seyi 5 years ago 5 years ago
      Very hard to get a read on what is going on without seeing the setup and usage directly. One thing you can try is to go to awocoupon > configuration > error messages, select debug and save. Then try the coupon again in the front end to see exactly where it is failing. If still having issues post in the forum with images so I can get a better gauge.
  2. Default avatar
    Mauro ( Guest ) 5 years ago 5 years ago
    hello, it would be very nice to be able to have a greater impact at checkout. For example, when you get a 3x2 discount, the product that you don't pay should be crossed out. If a discount is obtained, the value of the discount obtained should be highlighted in a bold or colored font. Is it possible to have this? It would be great.
    • Your avatar
      seyi 5 years ago 5 years ago
      Unfortunately this is not possible with AwoCoupon as it works on the coupon system, pretty much 1 line in the shopping cart, instead of the discount system, which is alot more integrated in the shopping cart. You would need to integrate it into your cart system if you want it to display like that.
  3. Default avatar
    Stefan ( Guest ) 4 years ago 4 years ago
    Is it possible to make a coupon where the customer gets the cheapest article for free?
    i.e. Buy 12 different bottles of wine an the cheapest ist free. (Must always buy a multiple of 12).
    • Your avatar
      seyi 4 years ago 4 years ago
      Yes it is possible, you can set process type to:
      - First found match
      - Lowest value
      - Highest value

      In your case, you would set it to lowest value.
  4. Default avatar
    Gerald ( Guest ) a year ago a year ago
    How can I configure a 'Buy One Get One Free' coupon with AwoCoupon?
    Kind greetings, Gerald
  5. Default avatar
    cvelez05 9 years ago 9 years ago
    Thank you for this coupon option! It has been very useful for me.
    I've just set up the Buy x Get Y coupon successfully but I noticed that shipping calculation is happening before the coupon. So if the discount makes the final price below the minimum value for free shipping the system should charge shipping, but it's not doing it. I know this plugin has nothing to do with shipment method, but wanted to know what you can tell me about it.

    Thank you for your time.
    • Your avatar
      seyi 9 years ago 9 years ago

      Assuming you are using the standard shipping method for free shipping and using Virtuemart 2.6 or above, then something like this should work for that:

      in www/plugins/vmshipment/weight_countries/weight_countries.php, find the line:
      if ($method->free_shipment && $cart_prices['salesPrice'] >= $method->free_shipment) {

      And change it to
      if ($method->free_shipment && ($cart_prices['salesPrice']+$cart_prices['salesPriceCoupon']) >= $method->free_shipment) {

      • Default avatar
        cvelez05 9 years ago 9 years ago
        Thank you for replying quickly. I am using the standard shipping method and I made the change but it's not working. Tried a different method on VirtueMart forums adding some lines that check if a coupon has been applied, but no correct results at checkout page.
        • Your avatar
          seyi 9 years ago 9 years ago

          Strange, you would think at least one of those solutions would work. Ok, here is a solution I wrote a while back, try that: