I need more extended information in Coupon Codes fields. How to make it?

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     10 years ago

    I'm importing CSV file with my codes in Gift Certificates / Codes. The problem is that actualy I want to provided to my buyers not the coupon code, but some kind of unique information instead. Such as weblink or any activation code and password. And when I type this information it becomes cut. As I understood there is some king of symbols number restriction in the codes field. 32 symbols max or something like that.
    How can I make it correctly?
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     10 years ago

    Hello, you can edit the coupon code field within the database
    alter table #__awocoupon modify coupon_code varchar(255) not null; 

    This will update the coupon_code field to 255 characters. Note, you will need to change #_ to your database prefix.
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     10 years ago

    Thank you for reply!
    Next question, I'm using tag {vouchers} to write information in email, not only on the picture in attachement. What I see inside:
    Gift Certificate: my information
    Value: $10.01
    I need to change or remove "Gift Certificate" and I need to remove whole 2nd row Value: $10.01 from email. Can I edit tag, or something else to show only "my information"? And how to make it?
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     10 years ago


    You need to edit the code to do this:

    It is created in the variable text_gift, search for that and edit it.