a few days ago, we purchased an "AwoCoupon for PrestaShop" license. We would like to use it for gift certificates. I installed the module and it seems that everything is fine: There is a shop product, a coupon template and a gift certificate product that is linked to the shop product. There are also several Email templates. But when an order (that contains the shop product) is placed and the right order status (set in Configuration > Gift Certificate Products) is active, nothing happens. There is no generated coupon and no Email. I checked everything twice and even followed the tutorial (https://awodev.com/blog/sell-gift-certificates-online-your-virtuemart-store). I can generate a coupon via Tools > Send a voucher. Having done this, I can find a new coupon in the list and there is also an Email (containing text and an image). But, of course, this should work automatically. So where is the problem? Why doesn't AwoCoupon create the coupon? Is there something that I forgot when configuring the module?
Thanks a lot in advance for helping me!