AwoCoupon » Configuration


Enable Store Coupons
This option allows you to use eCommerce Coupon system along with AwoCoupon. When a code is put in, it is first run through AwoCoupon to see if it exists. If the code is not found, then your eCommerce Coupon System is called. AwoCoupon takes precedence. If the code exists within AwoCoupon (no matter if it is published or not), then the code is processed through the AwoCoupon system. Also note that codes processed through your eCommerce Coupon System will be limited to the flexibility of the system.

Enable Multiple Coupons
This option allows you to enable the use of multiple coupons. After enabling, you can set limits on :
- All coupons
- Automatic Discount coupons
- Gift Certificates
- Regular coupons

Calculate the discount before tax (Gift Certificate)
This option allows you to enable true discount before tax for gift certificates.

Calculate the discount before tax (Coupon)
This option allows you to enable true discount before tax for coupons.

Delete expired coupons x days after expiration
This option enables expired coupons to be automatically deleted. You can set the offset in days. So if you set the offset for 3 days, then all coupons that expire today will be deleted in 3 days.

Case Sensitive Coupon Code
This option allows you to change the case sensitivity of coupon codes. By default coupon codes are case sensitive.

CSV Delimiter
This option allows you to change the delimiter of csv files. This would work for both importing and exporting (through reports). By default a comma is used as the delimiter. You have the option to change it to a semi-colon.

Gift Certificate Products
Configuration for gift certificate products.


Order status for sending automatic email  (Joomla only)
The order status at which an automated gift certificate is emailed out. By default, the triggering order status is set to "Confirmed".

Custom Attribute Recipient Name Field (Joomla only)
This is an optional setting. Virtuemart allows you to create custom text fields where a user customer can enter text per product using custom attributes. In Virtuemart 2.x, this is the id of the custom field created.  When viewing the custom fields in the backend, it is the first column.  If still having problems look directly in the database at table #__virtuemart_customs column virtuemart_custom_id.  In Virtuemart 1.1.x, set the name of the field to the name entered in your products for the recipient name. By default, it uses "Recipient Name".

Custom Attribute Recipient Email Field (Joomla only)
This is an optional setting. Virtuemart allows you to create custom text fields where a user customer can enter text per product using custom attributes.  In Virtuemart 2.x, this is the id of the custom field created.  When viewing the custom fields in the backend, it is the first column.  If still having problems look directly in the database at table #__virtuemart_customs column virtuemart_custom_id.  In Virtuemart 1.1.x, set the name of the field to the name entered in your products for the recipient email.  By default, it uses "Recipient Email".

Custom Attribute Recipient Message Field (Joomla only)
This is an optional setting. Virtuemart allows you to create custom text fields where a user customer can enter text per product using custom attributes.  In Virtuemart 2.x, this is the id of the custom field created.  When viewing the custom fields in the backend, it is the first column.  If still having problems look directly in the database at table #__virtuemart_customs column virtuemart_custom_id.  In Virtuemart 1.1.x, set the name of the field to the name entered in your products for the message.  By default, it uses "Message".


If this feature is activated then an email is sent to the Vendor notifying them of the voucher purchase at the same time the voucher is emailed to the customer.  For this to work, the vendor email has to be setup within the gift certificate product.

Email Subject
The subject of the vendor email.  You can use dynamic tags in Email Body.

Email Body
The message being sent to the vendor.  The dynamic tags include:
- {vendor_name}
- {vouchers}
- {purchaser_first_name}
- {purchaser_last_name}
- {today_date}
- {order_id}

This field allows you to format the {vouchers} tag.  There can be multiple vouchers and this lets you format it in the way you like.  By default the format of the vouchers tag is:
[code1] - [price1] - [product name]
[code2] - [price2] - [product name]
You can also use any of the dynamic tags in Email Body.

Custom Error Messages
With the default installation of AwoCoupon Pro, the error message seen by the customer if a coupon is rejected is the default eCommerce coupon error message: "Coupon code not found. Please try again." You might want to change this note to display a more specific message. For example, there are coupons which require the user to login before it can be used. Instead of displaying the default message, you can change it to a more appropriate text such as "Please Login to use this coupon". To do this, click in the error display box, type your message and press the save button.