We use AWO Coupon on Prestashop and are thrilled with the functionality and level of support received from this developer. Seyi went the extra mile and helped us fix compatibility issues with other modules. In today's world it's hard to find develope...morers like this.
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AwoCoupon - Joomla

Professional Coupons
The coupon possibilities are endless! Percentage off, Amount off, Conditional coupons, Bulk Buy discount,
Buy one get the second one 50% off or buy skis and get €20 off ski boots... Easy with AwoCoupon! You can create a
wide variety of coupons specific to products, customers, manufactures, vendors... and of course shipping coupons.
Gift Certificate Feature
Sellable gift certificates! These are automatically e-mailed after the purchase and it's up to
you to define not just the e-mail, but create your own, store-specific gift cards. Multiple profiles possible, just pick
your image, font, colors, texts... or use default settings. And what more, customers can load, store, and track their
Gift Certificate and its balance in their customer account. Any balance is then automatically available to be used as
a full or part payment at checkout.
Subscription Options
Subscriptions entitle you to updates and supports for 1 year from date of purchase

Compatible Shopping Carts
Joomla! 1.5 - 5.x

Versions: 1.1.x and up

Versions: 1.5.x and up

Versions: 1.3.9 and up

Versions: 1.1.x to 2.x
Coupon Features
- Automatically apply discounts without the use of coupons (read more)
- Create discounts specific to products, categories, manufactures, and vendors (include/exclude)
- Create discounts specific to customers and shopper groups
- Create fixed price product discounts
- Create discounts specific to product attributes ( Virtuemart / HikaShop )
- Create discounts specific to Countries and/or States
- Buy X Get Y coupons (read more)
- Shipping coupons - general or unique to shipper or shipping type (can be limited to specific products)
- Option to enter multiple coupons in the front end (with ability to make coupon exclusive)
- Combination coupons - join multiple coupons into one to create complicated promotions
- Optional start and end date
- Minimum order total trigger
- Percentage off, Amount off, Bulk Buy discount, Buy one get the second one 50% cheaper...
- Option to exclude discounted products from coupon promotions
- Option to restrict coupon by country/state
- Option to restrict coupon by payment method
- Set the maximum discount of a coupon
- Create a coupon link to automatically add coupon to cart using format ?addcoupontocart=[code]
- Option to use Coupon engine alongside AwoCoupon
- Customize coupon error messages
Gift Certificate Features
- Sellable gift certificates automatically emailed out upon purchase
- Stored remaining balance - customer can use gift certificate as many times as it takes to use up the value
- Choose how your gift certificates look - Set up your own gift certificate profiles (read more)
- Optional expiration
- Customers can use gift certificate as many times as it takes to use up the value
- Customers can load, store, and track their gift certificate balance in the customer account
- Gift certificate balance is automatically available to be used as a payment at the checkout
- Upload your own codes
- Vendor Emails - easily set up and send vendors vouchers that have been purchased instantly
- Allow customers to includde a personal note when purchasing gift certificate
Even more
- Generate thousands of coupons in 1 click
- Email vouchers to customers directly from the backend
- Reports - History of Customer Coupon Usage, Coupon Generated Sales vs Total Sales etc.
- Import / Export function - can mass import new coupons or mass edit current coupons
- Great customer support (read reviews on Joomla!)
- 1 year Free Updates
- Enhance your options with plug-ins and integrations
Plug-ins and Integrations
- Refer a friend program. Increase customer base instantly by rewarding sponsors for referring their friends. Also includes rewards for social actions on Facebook and Twitter.
- Perfect for referral program based on coupon system. Lets you set up coupons for affiliates which they can use to promote your products and earn their commission on the sales.
RuposTel One Page Checkout Component for Virtuemart
- One page system for Virtuemart that has many many options and is very well integrated with AwoCoupon
AwoCoupon plugin for AcyMailing
- AcyMailing is a powerful marketing component that allows you to manage e-communication with customers via newsletters, e-mail marketing, follow-up auto-responses and more. This plugin allows you to auto generate coupons for these marketing tools.