can the plugin do this -help

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     9 years ago

    virtuemart version3 – I want to create gift card/discount website. So I have set up a shop with various products with variations (child products) from different categories (restaurants, clothes, toys..) from different vendors ,but the website actually sells the discount not the products themselves. The gift card is unique to each product/variation . example if you want to buy a hat you have to choose the number of gift cards .each gift card will give you a fixed discount on one of the variations of the hat(like color :red, blue) one discount for one variation. So if there are 20 colors to that hat ,you can buy 20 gift cards .the gift card for each product has same/fixed value for all variations .any direction how to proceed after I have set up all the products?
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     9 years ago


    Not sure I grasp everything you are saying, so I will explain what I understand.

    You are basically starting a groupon stil site, where customers come to purchase products, and for each products the are emailed a specific code which they can use on another site to get that product. Also there must be speicific codes for each variation. And within Virtuemart you have setup each variation as a child product.

    You then basically want to use AwoCoupon to automatically send the email with the coupon code after a customer has made a purchase.

    Yes, I think this can be done. For each product you create you would need to setup as a gift certificate product in AwoCoupon. You can then let AwoCoupon automatically generate the coupon codes. You would then need to pull a report for the coupon codes generated to give to the other site. Or you can upload your own coupon codes for each gift certificate product. Then on purchase AwoCoupon just uses a code you upload.

    Not sure if I answered all your questions, if not let me know.