Prestashop: Discount coupon after mailchimp subscription

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     6 months ago

    Good morning,

    I would like to purchase the module for Prestashop but first I would like to know if it will be possible to do this:

    I would like to give away a 5 euro coupon for all those who sign up to the newsletter on the site (managed via mailchimp).

    Maybe the solution will not be given by Awocoupon but by Mailchimp, but I would like some advice on how to manage this thing.

    Thanks a lot.

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     6 months ago


    The closest would to do this would be AwoRewards, but there is no trigger to generate a coupon on newsletter signup.  It is extendable, in that an extension can be written that will probably do what you want, but maybe there is already a solution out there that gives coupons on newsletter signup without the need to develop it?